Thursday 6 October 2011

Lets be creative (ITAP 2)

As most art students know being creative is not just about making attractive images. Actually being involved in art has nothing to do with making pretty pictures at all. The soul purpose of art and design is to come up with something visually interesting which solves a problem. Sight is one of our main and most important senses. So looking at image can have an effect on us emotionally. This makes us think, what can i do? whats similar about me and this image? Do i need that? Do i want to read the article next to it?

When solving problems visually the first and most important thing to do is research.  Someone would have solved this problem before. How did they do it? What inspired them? What did they use? Did is work effectively? Then using this information we can come up with our own ideas and make sure that we don’t solve the problem in exactly the same way. Looking at the same kind of work over and over will get boring to our audience. The solution needs to be new, and stand out from the rest. Art and design is a competitive workplace like most. So we want to make sure our design is the winner and most effective. 
When Solving problems we need to beat assumptions and approach the subject open minded. Just because your specialism maybe me illustration doesn’t mean you cant include photographic and graphics. Is also doesn’t mean that your limited to just pencil and paper. We need to experiment with everything.
Sam Weber is an illustrator who uses ink, watercolour and acrylic, which is then manipulated in photoshop. He is working with both hand and digital. Most of his works look like they are aimed at fictional books as his illustrations have a fantasy element to them. The watercolour adds a gentle and emotional feel to the illustrations which most likely connects with the emotion of the book.
Weber’s illustration above was created for a short story called ‘Six Months, Three days’. The title alone doesn’t describe a lot about the book. It could be any genre. However when you see the beautiful illustration it instantly show its a romance with two characters closely drawn together . Then the bright white line structure around the couple gives the sense of science fiction, as the structure looks like something out of a circuit board. however when reading the blurb, i realised that this line structure is all the possible futures the woman can see.

Christoph Niemann is a witty illustrator and completely different to Sam Weber. Where as Weber is gentle and soft with his illustration, Niemann is bright and bold. His illustration could also be described as graphic designs as the sharp and smooth look of them gives the impression that they have been created using computer programs.
Yet my favourite illustration of Niemann’s is one called ‘LET IT DOUGH!’ (left). This very amusing piece has been created using photography, a lump of dough and pastry cutters. In some ways it could describe the christian view of God creating the world in seven days. It also reminds me of a child at play, using the cutters and decorations to make faces. As the first few images made me laugh this lead me to keep on looking at all the rest, meaning that humor is a very effective tool to attract an audience. 

To be creative we need to be inspired. This can be from a number of different factors like culture, personal interest and the environment around us. The environment which inspires you can be as small and personal as your bedroom. Most artists has a favourite place to create artwork. These places are usually where they feel most relaxed and comfortable. Even in the workplace employers collect personal items like family photographs to display in their own areas. I have two preferred locations i like to work in.
I personally find writing about anything really difficult. I have to give my full concentration. So to avoid distraction, i go out in the garden in the warm sunshine, where there is no technology. With no TV and no internet connection, the only thing i can do is type and think. However when it comes to creating art piece, the garden’s elements do not meet the standards i need. The bright sun light on a plain piece of paper reflects to brightly for my eyes. When painting, the colours that have took ages to mix, dry out instantly. So for this i go to my own little studio called my bedroom. A cool calm place with a relaxing pastel pale blue with music in the background. All my art supplies are easily reachable and i have many images pinned to cork boards which inspire me. I can be as messy as i like without the fear of a stranger walking in and tripping over while i’m in my trance.

Guy Denning's Studio

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